Making your good home a great one


New homes represent so much to a new homeowner – a fresh start, expanded possibilities, a new chapter for the family.
So much is right about a new house, and yet there is often something – some small (or large) detail – that would make the whole package perfect if you’d had control over it.
This is precisely when a well-planned and executed remodel by an experienced registered builder can make a good home a great one.
A registered builder can help you discover a solution and explore your options from the perspective of someone who knows from hands-on experience what is possible and what resources it will take to achieve them.
They can help you with your goals and the scope of your project to make an educated decision about remodelling.
Selecting a registered builder is a smart first step in any building process because they have professional expertise for every stage of the building process. Master Builders Association of Victoria can help you find a registered builder who is right for you.
Many builders are themselves talented designers and have won awards in Master Builders’ annual Building Excellence Awards program.
You can view the work of our members on our website at and find registered builders in the Geelong area using our ‘Find a Master Builder’ feature.
Depending on the size and nature of the project, you may need a planning and building permit. You and your builder will need to work together to obtain the relevant permits.
Our team of building surveyors, inspectors and support staff are well placed to help you no matter where you are in Victoria.
Master Builders has a Geelong office at 3 Melbourne Road, with friendly staff ready to help direct you to useful resources. Don’t hesitate to contact us on 9411 4555.